We are always looking for motivated to join our group
We are currently looking for highly motivated candidates at all levels of graduate studies, postdoc and research scientist, with research interests and experience relative to our research.

Institut Quantique
2500 boul. de l’Université, Pavillon D9,
Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1
Required documents
Applications are to be sent to the following email address : .
Please have the level of position desired stated in the email title, and tell us about your current research interests and why you want to join the group. Applications and letters will be considered at any time until the positions are filled.
- Statement of interest
- CV including a list of publications if applicable
- Recent academic transcripts
- Statement of interest
- CV including a list of publications
- Please arrange to have two letters of references sent to the aforementioned address
Applicants should be highly motivated, have demonstrated the ability to perform independent research in one or more of the above-mentioned subjects, have excellent communication skills as evidenced by publications and talks, have strong interpersonal skills and the ability to collaborate effectively, and be interested in playing a role in the training of junior group members. Subject to the availability of research funds, the positions could be for up to 5 years, with the possibility of extensions. The start date is flexible.
- Please submit a cover letter, a short description of planned research and of past mentoring experience
- CV including a list of publications
- Please arrange to have two letters of references to be sent in support of your application.