Meet our team
Discover the people who contribute to the advancement of our field of study.
Alexandre Blais
Catherine Sasseville-Lahaie
Research coordinator
Benjamin D’Anjou
Research scientist
Maxime Dion
Research scientist
Alexander McDonald
Postdoctoral fellow
Boris Varbanov
Postdoctoral fellow
Lev-Arcady Sellem
Postdoctoral fellow
Benjamin Levitan
Postdoctoral fellow
Tianrui Xu
Postdoctoral fellow
Lautaro Labarca Guajardo
PhD student
Othmane Benhayoune-Khadraoui
PhD student
Alex Chapple
PhD student
Marie Frédérique Dumas
PhD student
Baptiste Hoyau
PhD student
Simon Richer
MSc student
Éric Giguère
QuTip developer

Alexandre Blais
Full professor, Physics Department, Université de Sherbrooke
Scientific director, Institut quantique, Université de Sherbrooke

Catherine Sasseville-Lahaie
Research coordinator
I have always had a great interest in understanding the human being, but also in management and coordination. Discreet but always on the lookout, I like to manage several projects at the same time, and deploy my creativity and organizational skills to facilitate the achievement of common goals. Very curious by nature, it is a great pleasure to dive into the field of quantum sciences and to contribute to the growth of the research group.
Academic background
- B.A. in Psychology – University of Sherbrooke
- Doctorate in Psychology – University of Sherbrooke

Benjamin D’Anjou
Research scientist
I’m a quantum physicist with wide interests such as reading, history, languages, hiking, cooking (Indian food), travelling, D&D, and urban planning. I’m slowly but surely self-teaching myself the piano. I speak French, English, and German. Always happy to grab a beer and chat!
Academic background
- Postdoc at Universität Ulm with Pr. Martin Plenio
- Postdoc at Universität Konstanz with Pr. Guido Burkard
- Ph.D. at McGill University with Pr. Bill Coish
- M.Sc. at McGill University with Pr. Bill Coish
- B.Sc. at Université de Sherbrooke
Research interests
- Quantum measurement and sensing
- Optimization of quantum devices
- Stochastic processes
- Signal processing
Key publications
- Munuera-Javaloy, R. Puebla, B. D’Anjou, M. B. Plenio, & J. Casanova
Detection of molecular transitions with nitrogen-vacancy centers and electron-spin labels
NPJ Quantum Inf. 8 140 (2022) - D’Anjou
Generalized figure of merit for qubit readout
Phys. Rev. A. 103 042404 (2021) - Xue, B. D’Anjou, T. F. Watson, D. R. Ward, D. E. Savage, M. G. Lagally, M. Friesen, S. N. Coppersmith, M. A. Eriksson, W. A. Coish, and L. M. K. Vandersypen
Repetitive Quantum Nondemolition Measurement and Soft Decoding of a Silicon Spin Qubit
Phys. Rev. X 10 021006 (2020) - D’Anjou and G. Burkard
Optimal dispersive readout of a spin qubit with a microwave resonator
Phys. Rev. B 100 245427 (2019) - Harvey-Collard, B. D’Anjou, M. Rudolph, N. T. Jacobson, J. Dominguez, G. A. Ten Eyck, J. R. Wendt, T. Pluym, M. P. Lilly, W. A. Coish, M. Pioro-Ladrière, and M. S. Carroll
High-fidelity single-shot readout for a spin qubit via an enhanced latching mechanism
Phys. Rev. X 8, 021046 (2018) - D’Anjou and W. A. Coish
Enhancing qubit readout through dissipative sub-Poissonian dynamics
Phys. Rev. A 96, 052321 (2017)

Alexander McDonald
Postdoctoral fellow
When not doing physics, I enjoy playing basketball, ultimate frisbee and watching movies.
Academic background
I obtained by B.Sc. in physics-mathematics at the University of Ottawa in 2016, after which I completed my Master’s in physics at McGill, supervised by Tami Pereg-Barnea and Aash Clerk. I then moved to Illinois to complete my PhD at the University of Chicago, where my PhD was supervised by Aash. I joined the group in September 2022.
Research interests
- Classical and quantum non-reciprocity
- Quantum optics and quantum information with superconducting circuits
- Quantum condensed matter
Key publications
McDonald, T. Pereg-Barnea, and A. A. Clerk
Phase-dependent chiral transport and effective non-
hermitian dynamics in a bosonic kitaev-majorana chain
Phys. Rev. X 8, 041031 (2018)
McDonald and A. A. Clerk
Exponentially-enhanced quantum sensing with non-
hermitian lattice dynamics
Nat. Commun. 11, 5382 (2020)
McDonald, R. Hanai, A. A. Clerk
Nonequilibrium stationary-states of non-Hermitian lattice models
Phys. Rev. B. (Editor’s Suggestion)

Boris Varbanov
Postdoctoral fellow
Hello! My name is Boris, and I am from Bulgaria. After high school, I moved to the UK to obtain a BSc in physics. The weather there wasn’t too bad, so I decided to challenge myself by moving to the Netherlands for an MSc in Applied Physics and a Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Barbara Terhal. I recently joined Prof. Alexandre Blais’s group as a postdoc. I am interested in quantum error correction using superconducting-qubit processors. Outside of physics, I enjoy listening to music, cooking, and playing board/video games.
Academic background
- PhD. in Applied Physics at QuTech, Delft University of Technology, under the supervision of Prof. Barbara Terhal
- MSc. in Applied Physics at Delft University of Technology, under the supervision of Prof. Leonardo DiCarlo
- BSc. in Physics at Royal Holloway, University of London.
Research interests
- Quantum information processing with superconducting qubits.
- Developing realistic error models of quantum operations.
- Quantum error correction and decoding.
Key publications
- M. Varbanov, M. Serra-Peralta, D. Byfield, B.M. Terhal
Neural network decoder for near-term surface-code experiments
arXiv: 2307.03280 (2023) - F. Marques, H. Ali, B.M. Varbanov, M. Finkel, H.M. Veen, S.L.M. van der Meer, S. Valles-Sanclemente, N. Muthusubramanian, M. Beekman, N. Haider, B.M. Terhal, L. DiCarlo
All-microwave leakage reduction units for quantum error correction with superconducting transmon qubits
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 250602 (2023) - Ciani, B.M. Varbanov, N. Jolly, C.K. Andersen, and B.M. Terhal
Microwave-activated gates between a fluxonium and a transmon qubit
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043127 (2022) - F. Marques, B.M. Varbanov, M.S. Moreira, H. Ali, N. Muthusubramanian, C. Zachariadis, F. Battistel, M. Beekman, N. Haider, W. Vlothuizen, A. Bruno, B.M. Terhal, L. DiCarlo
Logical-qubit operations in an error-detecting surface code
Nat. Phys. 18, 80–86 (2022) - Battistel, B.M. Varbanov, B.M. Terhal
Hardware-efficient leakage-reduction scheme for quantum error correction with superconducting transmon qubits
PRX Quantum 2, 030314 (2021) - M. Varbanov, F. Battistel, B.M. Tarasinski, V.P. Ostroukh, T.E. O’Brien, L. DiCarlo, B.M. Terhal
Leakage detection for a transmon-based surface code
Quantum Inf. 6, 102 (2020)

Lev-Arcady Sellem
Postdoctoral fellow
Science apart, I enjoy social dancing! Mostly Latin dances (salsa, bachata, ...) although I'm easily convinced to try new things :)
Academic background
From 2016 to 2020, I oscillated between mathematics and computer science during my B.Sc. and M.Sc. at ENS Paris-Saclay, France. During this time, I also passed the French agrégation, a competitive and prestigious examination for civil service in the French public education system, and got hooked on control theory during a fascinating M.Sc. internship in Marseille, supervised by Morgan Morancey and Assia Benabdallah. I later explored its quantum aspects during my PhD at Mines Paris and Inria, supervised by Pierre Rouchon and Claude Le Bris. I joined Institut Quantique in April 2024 and work in the groups of Alexandre Blais and Baptiste Royer.
Research interests
- Quantum reservoir engineering
- Control theory
- Bosonic quantum error correction
Key publications
- Lev-Arcady Sellem, Alain Sarlette, Zaki Leghtas, Mazyar Mirrahimi, Pierre Rouchon, Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq
A GKP qubit protected by dissipation in a high-impedance superconducting circuit driven by a microwave frequency comb
arXiv:2304.01425 - Rémi Robin, Pierre Rouchon, Lev-Arcady Sellem
Convergence of bipartite open quantum systems stabilized by reservoir engineering

Tianrui Xu
Postdoctoral fellow
I have lived in 6 cities of 3 different countries while basin-hopping around topics from literature/history to epigenetics and molecular anthropology, and finally to many-body quantum physics of various energy scales. I am happy to find myself studying quantum in Sherbrooke.
Outside of physics, my current “activities of interest” are hiking, running and knitting.
Academic background
- 2021-2024: Postdoctoral Associate, advisor: Prof. Ana Maria Rey, JILA/University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA
- 2016-2021: M.A. and Ph.D., Physics, advisor: Prof. Joel E. Moore, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
- 2012-2016: B. Sc., Math and Physics, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- 2014-2016: Undergraduate research student, advisor: Prof. Roman V. Krems, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- 2015-2016: Undergraduate research student, advisor: Prof. Sonia Bacca, TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Research interests
- Quantum dynamics
- Quantum metrology
- Quantum error correction
Key publications
- T Xu, A Chu, K Kim, J K Thompson, J Ye, T Esslinger, and A M Rey: A symmetry-protected topological optical lattice clock. arXiv: 2501.09658 (2025)
- T Xu, T Scaffidi, X Cao: Does scrambling equal chaos? PRL (2020)
- T Xu, T Morimoto, A Lanzara, J E Moore: Efficient prediction of time-and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements on a nonequilibrium BCS superconductor. PRB (2019)

Lautaro Labarca Guajardo
PhD student
Hi, I am Lautaro. I am from Santiago de Chile. I really enjoy physics and I am looking forward to contributing with original research and learn as much as I can. I enjoy sports, music, dancing and drawing, although I am really not great at any.
I used to play basketball, and I tried to be pro in it but failed. Afterwards I found physics and I’ve been hooked since the age of 23. Hopefully I will remain in this field for a long time.
Academic background
- Undergraduate studies in Energy Engineering at Universidad de León, Spain, with a focus on biochemical fuel cells with Dr. Antonio Morán’s laboratory.
- Ms. in Physics at Universidad de Santiago de Chile, with a Thesis focused on the out of equilibrium dynamics of a Spin-1 chain with Dr. Guillermo Romero.
- Coordinator of the Academic Team for the school Mathematics Championship in Chile for the 2020 and 2021 editions.
Research interests
- Superconducting qubits design.
- Readout of qubits and quantum metrology.
- Condensed Matter Physics.

Othmane Benhayoune-Khadraoui
PhD student
Hello, my name is Othmane and I am from Morocco. After highschool, I moved to Switzerland to complete my Bachelor in Physics and successfully been at the end a visiting student in the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. After that, I decided to return back to Switzerland as a Master student focusing on open quantum systems and quantum information. In October 2022, I started my PhD with Prof. Alexandre Blais in Canada with new challenges. A part from my academic career, I used to play basketball in Morocco and doing long ride hikes in the Swiss mountains. In my free time, I enjoy playing cards and poker with friends, and listen to old music, typically Modal Jazz and Moroccan Melhoun.
Academic background
- MSc in Physics at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) supervised by Prof. Vincenzo Savona (2020-2022)
- Visiting student at the École Normale Supérieure de Paris (ENS ULM) part of the Swiss-European Mobility Program (2019-2020)
- BSc in Physics at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) (2017-2019)
Research interests
- Analytical methods for open quantum systems
- Quantum information processing with superconducting circuits: circuits quantization, qubit and gate design, qubit readout
- Quantum error correction

Alex Chapple
PhD student
Hello! I’m Alex, and I’m half New Zealander (kiwi) and half Japanese. I was born in NZ, grew up in Japan, and moved back to NZ for my high school and up. Outside of physics I enjoy cooking and baking the most, and occasionally will write up a recipe in PRL format. I also enjoy spending time playing board games, programming, and reading.
Academic background
- Master of Science at the University of Auckland and the Dodd-Walls Centre, supervised by Assoc Prof Scott Parkins and Prof Howard Carmichael (2022 – 2023)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) at the University of Auckland, supervised by Prof Howard Carmichael (2018-2022)
Research interests
- Quantum optics with cQED
- Readout in cQED
- Non-Markovian dynamics and open quantum systems
- Multi qubit simulations

Marie Frédérique Dumas
PhD student
I discovered the passionate world of superconducting quantum devices during the last year of my undergrad. I am very eager to learn and to contribute to the field as a masters student with the group. During my undergrad, I also found a passion for student involvement as a member of the Student Committee in Engineering Physics. I hope to pursue this interest at the University of Sherbrooke through the Diversity in Physics committee. Outside of school, I enjoy outdoor activities such as skiing, hiking, kayaking, camping, and even scuba diving. I also spend my free time playing the piano, reading and playing board games with my friends.
Academic background
- Bachelor of Engineering physics at Polytechnique Montréal (2018-2022)

Simon Richer
MSc student
Hello, my name is Simon Richer and I’m from Chicoutimi, a town north of Quebec City. As a child, I had many questions about the natural world around me. So I was inclined to learn a natural science. My father passed on his passion for physics to me. I naturally went on to a bachelor’s degree in engineering physics and now a master’s degree in physics. When I’m not studying, I love sports like judo, climbing, spike ball and hiking.
Academic background
- Bachelor of Engineering Physics at Polytechnique Montréal (2019-2023)
Research interests
- Quantum optimal control

Éric Giguère
QuTip developer
Originally from Québec, I first studied physics here in Sherbrooke. I continued my studies in Japan at the University of Hokkaido, where I did simulations of supersymmetric theories on the lattice. I am now doing development for Qutip.
Academic background
- Doctorat et M.Sc. en physique des particules à l’Université d’Hokkaido (Japon)
- BSc. en physique, Université de Sherbrooke
Our former members
Carrying on the mission beyond the group
Christian Andersen
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
Professor, QuTech, TU Delft
Maxime Boissonneault
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
HPC specialist, Compute Canada
Udson Cabral Mendes
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
Quantum Team Leader, CMC Microsystems
Marcus Da Silva
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
Principal Researcher, Microsoft Quantum
Nicolas Didier
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
Research scientist, Rigetti Computing
Arne Grimsmo
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
Lecturer, University of Sydney & AWS Quantum
Jonathan Gross
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
Research scientist, Google Quantum AI
Clemens Mueller
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
Application scientist, Zürich Instruments
Shruti Puri
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
Professor, Yale University
Farzad Qassemi
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
Entrepreneur, AIQTECH
Nicolas Quesada
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
Research scientist, Xanadu
Alexandru Petrescu
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
professor, École des Mines - Paris
Joachim Cohen
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
Chercheur scientifique, Alice & Bob
Matthew Wooley
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
Conférencier senior, UNSW Sydney
Adrian Parra-Rodriguez
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
Postdoctoral fellow, Instituto de Física Fundamental - CSIC
Manuel Mūnoz Arias
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
Coming soon
Cristóbal Lledó
Postdoctoral fellow
Following position
Postdoctoral fellow, University of Chile
Jérôme Bourassa, PhD
Graduate student
Following position
Founder, Qubic
Baptiste Royer, PhD
Graduate student
Following position
Postdoctoral fellow, Yale University
Kevin Lalumière, PhD
Graduate student
Following position
Programmer, Coveo
Louis Gaudreau, PhD
Graduate student
Following position
Research scientist, NRC
Agustin Di Paolo, PhD
Graduate student
Following position
Postdoctoral fellow, MIT
Catherine Leroux, PhD
Graduate student
Following position
Research scientist, AWS
Ross Shillito, PhD
Graduate student
Following position
Research scientist, Nord Quantique
Camille Le Calonnec, PhD
Graduate student
Following position
Internship, Nord Quantique
Élie Genois, PhD
Graduate student
Following position
Research scientist, Google Quantum AI
Adam B. Bolduc, MSc
Graduate student
Félix Beaudoin, MSc
Graduate student
Following position
Director of Quantum Technology, Nanoacademic Technologies
Vincent Bouliane, MSc
Graduate student
Samuel Boutin, MSc
Graduate student
Following position
Research scientist, Microsoft Quantum
Alexandre Choquette-Poitevin, MSc
Graduate student
Following position
Quantum Partnerships Canada, IBM Quantum
Gabrielle Denhez, MSc
Graduate student
Mathieu Lachapelle, MSc
Graduate student
Following position
PhD student, Université de Montréal
Lucas St-Jean, MSc
Graduate student
Following position
Programmer, Giro inc.
Maxime Béland, MSc
Graduate student
Benjamin Groleau-Paré, MSc
Graduate student
Following position
Internship, Nord Quantique
Svend Krøjer Møller
Visiting PhD student
Ivan Iakoupov
Visiting PhD student
Ronan Gautier
Visiting PhD student
Élie Bouffard
Anthony Gandon
Benjamin Groleau-Paré
Following position
MSc of Physics, Université de Sherbrooke
Amit Munje
Jayameenakshi Venkatraman
Following position
PhD student, Yale University
Adrien Moulinas
MSc intern
Yufeng Bright Ye
MSc intern
Following position
PhD student, MIT
Christian de Correc
MSc intern
Philippe Gigon
MSc intern
Following position
PhD at TUM (Technische Universität München)
Institut Quantique
Study within the group
As part of an experienced team, you will choose the projects that matches your interests in the field of quantum information science.
Studying with the group means a guaranteed scholarship, the possibility of doing a variety of internships and a teaching load only if desired. In addition, group members have the opportunity to participate in scientific activities such as international conferences and at the annual retreat during which the group gathers for a few days off-campus to generate new ideas of research.
We are working in a bilingual (english/french) environment and we are committed to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment. We believe that a diverse team enhances creativity, promotes innovation, and empowers us to make groundbreaking advancements in our field.
A unique research environment
Located in the heart of Sherbrooke, a thriving urban area (225 000 people) in the midst of the Appalachian range, you'll enjoy the balance of city amenities and peaceful surroundings. The Université de Sherbrooke is a leader for quantum research in Canada and is only 150 km (93 miles) away from Montreal, a vibrant city with an international airport and excellent flight connections to Europe, USA and South America.
Institut quantique (IQ) at the Université de Sherbrooke is a collaborative environment with over 300 students, postdocs and faculty members pioneering advancements in the fields of quantum information science, quantum engineering and quantum materials. IQ's modern and architecturally unique building, inaugurated in 2022, offers an array of collaborative spaces to inspire creativity and innovation.